Award Winning Healthcare Product Development

Partnership of Intelesant with National Health Service (NHS) UK to deliver technology behind smart sensors, mobile apps and smart software.

  • Website: Www.Howz.Com
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Industry: Healthcare

Howz is a system created by Intelesant, a healthcare tech firm that seeks to improve the quality of caring that can be provided for people suffering with dementia through a remote non-obtrusive monitoring through household devices. The service is delivered through an integrated output generated by a mobile app, web service and a set of smart sensors that are made available via a Howz kit. This project has been developed in partnership with the National Health Service (NHS) UK..

Sensors Comprising The Howz Kit

Hub : 

 The hub is a device that gathers information from the sensors via radio signals and transmits to the Howz web service via the internet. It is connected to the internet through a wired connection.

Door Sensor : 

The door sensor comprises of 2 components. One fits on the door frame while the other is fitted to the door. The door sensor records the opening and closing of the door. It also transmits the information to the Howz timeline. Both of these sensors are installed with adhesive pads to keep the process of installation simple.

Motion Sensor : 

The motion sensor detects movement as a passive infra-red beam of light is broken with the movement that passes in front of the unit. As and when the beam of light is broken, a message is broadcast to the timeline. This beam is usually installed in frequently transitional areas such as the hallway or the landing.

Electricity Sensor : 

Electricity sensor is a smart socket which creates a message on Howz timeline whenever the socket gets used. The goal is to detect events to understand when the resident is awake and active in the house which is why they are recommended primarily for high voltage appliances like kettles, microwaves and toasters. In addition they can also be used for appliances like irons, hair dryers and vacuum cleaners.

 How Does Howz Kit Work?

Owner of the Howz kit decides where to install the sensors. Day to day activity data is then gathered by the sensors and shared with Howz webservice. The data is then analysed to fit a routine and further detect events that are considered out of the ordinary.

 How Is It Used?

The owner of the Howz kit can review their personal routines via the website or the mobile app. They can also set alerts to see when the routine changes. They can share with their loved ones who care for them who can also access it via a mobile apps on iPhones or Android phones.

Solution : 

To convert the vision of Intelesant via the Howz kit, Blackwater Tech assisted in development of the software side of the technology implementation. To be able to develop the mobile apps and the webservice, Blackwater Tech operated as an extension the Intelesant team developing the innovation roadmap and also solving the challenges that came along the way as a result.

Some Of The Key Aspects Of Technology Partnership : 

  • Integration With Amazon Alexa Advanced Voice Recognition Technology
  • Hybrid Mobile Development For IOS & Android Phones
  • SSL Implementation

Futureproofing Innovation : 

As a part of the technology partnership, Blackwater Tech continues to support the development of Howz assisting in research and development of new features and applications that could enhance the impact of Howz vision. Blackwater Tech seeks to ensure a continued success of Howz team and enrich benefits of every individual using it by syncing it with the latest technologies and innovations ensuring they receive the best that is technologically possible.

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