Things to remember from 2017

Ecommerce is developing all the time, and Magento has been pivotal to providing new ways for internet businesses to manage online sales portals from the back end. In 2017, a few trends came to the fore and are indicative of the way in which online administrators are targeting customers, aiming to reduce bounce rates and increase conversions.

In this piece, we pick out our top three Magento trends from 2017:

  • It’s time for a story

Video has become a great storytelling tool across the web, being used to bring to life everything from social media to news. Magento has joined this video revolution, and now mini films and other productions are a common feature on eCommerce sites, allowing brands to strengthen their identity by telling the tale of their brand. How has a company evolved? Where is it heading? These are questions customers want to know the answer to, and video is being used on the Magento platform by online retailers as a means to engage on this level.

  • Impactful imagery

In 2017, it seems we have seen visual representation become a non-negotiable part of selling products online. It is an aspect of a wider trend in which images are at the fore of most things we do online, such as on rapidly growing social media networks like Instagram and Snapchat.

Magento users are making sure they use appealing, high resolution quality images of their products, leaving customers in no doubt as to what an item looks like, sometimes from several angles.

  • Intelligent use of white space

With the increased use of videos and images detailed above comes a responsibility to implement them with discretion. This can mean the use of white space in generous volumes, allowing the videos and images to have their intended impact. Magento users are deploying white space as a ‘content vacuum’, which draws attention to the key elements on each website page, and some patterns and colours in the spacing around videos and images can also achieve this effect.

So, there’s our top three Magento trends from this year – it is all about attractive looking online shops which keep visitors engaged. To find out how Blackwater Tech can help you develop an on trend eCommerce store on the Magento platform, get in touch with us today.