Undoubtedly, as a business owner, you have considered using email marketing as part of your marketing strategy.  There are many myths which exist around email marketing and its efficiency and usefulness, below we will try to dispel as many of these as possible.

1. Customers feel overwhelmed by the number of emails they receive: This is completely untrue. There may be a small number of people who feel this way because they receive many marketing emails every day, but it’s too small a number to be taken as the norm. In fact, according to research, most people don’t receive an overwhelming number of emails per day and when compared to other forms of communication, prefer to receive emails because they are less intrusive.

2. Email marketing is dead and gone: Many firms believe that using email marketing is outdated and hence focus more on social media. However, according to McKinsey Insights, email is 40 times more beneficial for companies seeking customer acquisition rather than a combination of Facebook and Twitter.

No matter how email marketing functioned in the past, it is now evolving to be more powerful. When used carefully, you can be sure it will be a great tool that concentrates on increasing brand loyalty and generates revenue.

3. Getting unsubscribes is cause for concern: No, this isn’t necessarily a problem.  Normally, those who aren’t interested, won’t unsubscribe. They will either delete it or ignore the email.  The more eye-catching and relevant your email is, the less likely this is to happen.

4. Email marketing demands short subject lines: In fact, the opposite is true.  Research points to the fact that the median length of subject lines preferred was about 45 characters, though subject lines between 61 and 70 characters has had the highest read rate of 17%.

5. Emails are best sent out on a Tuesday or Thursday: There’s no truth in this.  What day and time to send your marketing emails depends entirely on your type of business and client base.  Some businesses have found that such emails are best received early in the morning whilst others feel the weekends are better.  It really varies from customer to customer.

6. It’s difficult to design email campaigns: The thought of designing an email campaign is something some people find intimidating so do not even attempt it.  However, nothing could be further from the truth. Whilst it does involve a bit of learning once you’ve done some research it couldn’t be easier.  There are many resources available online including email templates for different kinds of businesses which can help you get started immediately.

7. A professional tone is imperative in B2B and B2C emails: It is not always necessary to maintain a business-like tone to attract your subscriber’s or potential customer’s attention.  The tone of voice and style of writing you use can be the difference between a good and a badly drafted email campaign. It’s important that your tone matches the profile of your target audience.  You need to connect with your readership in order to show how your business can benefit them.