A journey back to the basics

When it comes to building e-commerce websites, there are a lot of different CMS options. To us, however, Kentico is still one of the standouts. Why? Because its features are focused on driving sales, rather than just on ‘making a site’.

Here are some of the standout sales-focused features:

Marketing automation

Kentico is jam-packed with features designed to help you create and manage campaigns easily. Marketing automation is typically quite hands-on, but Kentico’s version comes in a simple drag-anddrop interface, making it ideal for non-techies. There are plenty of more in-depth options for more tech-savvy marketers.

Email compatibility

In terms of generating a positive ROI, no channels can match e-mail marketing. Kentico lets you take full advantage of your list by letting you monitor everything from click through rates to which types of e-mail content get the best results. Kentico e-mails can also be hooked up to delivery services such as SendGrid or SendinBlue, which helps reduce the chances of your e-mails being blocked by spam filters.

Integrated campaign management

One of the keys to marketing success is effective management, and Kentico allows you to manage all of your campaigns in one place – and you won’t need third-party plugins, unlike with other CMS systems. You can manage and analyse page visits, form submissions, newsletter subscriptions, products added to your shopping carts and, of course, sales. You can also create and build custom campaign funnels within the back end.

A/B testing

Testing different techniques is an essential part of modern marketing, and A/B testing is an out-ofthe-box feature within Kentico. You’ll be able to compare results with an unlimited number of page variations. You can also reduce page traffic if you’d rather conduct a smaller scale comparison. A/B comparison will give you the peace of mind that every page on your site is converting as effectively as possible.

Lead scoring

Any sales professional will tell you how vital it is to qualify leads. Kentico’s CMS will allow you to do this digitally. You can set up your own scoring system to suit your business, and then hand over the leads that qualify to your sales team, safe in the knowledge that their chances of closing have been increased. This can also be invaluable in your re-targeting campaigns.