A journey back to the basics

If you are competing for business through an eCommerce site, you’ll quite likely see it as both the present and future for retail and other sales. Few would argue the truth of this, yet it’s too easy to then dismiss physical stores as having had their day. In fact, there is much to be learned and put to productive use, by comparing an eCommerce site with a bricks and mortar store. Here are three areas to consider…

Making a specific purchase

People shop in many retail businesses for specific, already-chosen items. They are then looking for a simple and seamless experience when doing so. This means easily locating said item, and then purchasing it without delay or hassle. Much is made of ‘internet searches’ as if these are random, leisure activities. Often, the search is still only for a source of what is already known to be required. This is why specific landing pages are of great value – allowing the arriving potential customer to complete their transaction as easily as they might when using a convenience store.

Taking a comfortable journey

Again, when entering a retail store, whether for a specific purpose or general browsing, customers look for signs or actual assistance to help them take the trip they wish to around those premises. Online, with an eCommerce business, the principle remains. Making sure your site is easy to navigate is one key, another is to be of swift help when required. A device such as a chat box can provide an online equivalent to asking an assistant on-site.

Reaching a polite conclusion

After completing a physical purchase, you would hope that your server would offer polite thanks, perhaps best wishes for your use of your purchase. Why should this be any different online? Even an automated response, if worded in a friendly way, perhaps offering further assistance if required, can leave that customer feeling like they enjoyed a pleasant experience.

Paying attention to what has worked, albeit in a different environment, is one practical way of using the past to guide the future. If you’d like to talk to our practical and experienced Blackwater Tech eCommerce specialists about the possibilities for your business, contact us today.