3 ways to personalize your marketing

With many hundreds of businesses reaching out to potential customers all the time, it’s no wonder that so many marketing attempts go unnoticed. Generic adverts or emails just don’t cut it nowadays and it’s more important than ever to stand out from the crowd. The good news is that there are many ways in which you can personalise your marketing. We’re going to look at ways to personalise your emails and boost those open rates. Luckily, CRM and marketing automation systems make this really easy.

1. Send your emails from a human

Whether you’re sending a mass mailing or an individual piece, people are more likely to take an interest when it’s sent from a person rather than a business or a brand. For example, making sure it lands in their inbox looking like it’s from a member of staff that’s dealt with them previously will peak their curiosity. CRM software allows you to do this.

2. Use the customer’s name

Another fantastic and really easy feature of CRM and marketing automation systems is the ability to include the customer’s name in the email. You can send an email to hundreds of people at once, but they’ll all receive it with their own name in place, making them feel like it was sent to only them! Don’t forget to pop their name in the subject line too. This will catch their eye as soon as they look at their inbox.

3. Segment your database

Different customers will have different needs or be interested in different products. If they receive emails that are uninteresting or irrelevant to them then they’ll be unsubscribing before you know it. By segmenting your database you can be sure that customers only receive communications that could be useful to them. CRM and marketing automation systems make it simple to keep all your contacts in one place while simultaneously giving you the freedom to separate them based on their interests or needs.

Not only will CRM and marketing automation systems enable you to send those all important personalised emails, but it’ll track your results, too! For more information, contact Blackwater Tech today.

Don’t hesitate to talk to us at Blackwater Tech about designing for privacy – and how we can help to ensure your eCommerce platform, CRM and other systems are robust.

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